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Welcome to my small site on neocities.org. I try to keep it as lean and simple as possible. Why is it called MMXXIV? Because this page was started in 2024. It is as simple as that.
Last update: 17.11.2024
In the last days I wrote a script called nexbrowser.tcl which uses Tcl/Tk to create a browser with a GUI
for the simple Nex internet protocol.
You can find the specification here: https://nightfall.city/nex/info/specification.txt
Here is version 1 of nexbrowser.tcl. Use it at your own risk! Check the script before executing it!
wget https://mmxxiv.neocities.org/nexbrowser.tcl.txt
After downloading and checking please remove the .txt extension and make the script executable.
I'm a big fan of the GNUstep Desktop.
I run it on my Raspberry Pi 4 with 8GB of RAM. As the creator of the GNUstep Desktop does too.
A few months ago I tried it out first time and it worked phantastic after a few minutes of installing
dependencies and compiling all the stuff that comes with it. Now I am diving deeper into
Objective-C and StepTalk the scripting language and environment for the desktop.
Btw. Above is a simple Logo for GNUstep Desktop. I took the GNUstep Logo and used ImageMagick
to place "Desktop" underneath it. Super simple but I like it. Right now I am working on my gsde-helper script to orchestrate the
already available scripts in the GNUstep Desktop package.
Here is version 1 of my little gsde-helper.sh shell script.
Use it at your own risk! Check the script before executing it!
wget https://mmxxiv.neocities.org/gsde-helper.sh.txt
After downloading and checking please remove the .txt extension and make the script executable.
Made with ♥ and GNU nano.